Firewise Meeting April 10, 2024
LCMC Board Room
Alec Pennington – President, Gregg Dahmen – Vice President, …………………….. Gary Nelson – Treasurer, Dennis Wicks – Secretary, ………………………………….. Ray Menard – Lake Cushman Fire Department Liaison. ………………………………. Guest – Kathy Stafford – community member, volunteer
Dave Peterson – Historian/Navigator – absent (excused)
There were no Zoom attendees.
Alec called the meeting to order at 10:00am and a quorum was present.
The minutes of the March 13, 2024 meeting were discussed and it was suggested minutes should be as succinct as possible with the exception of recording the reasoning behind any decisions made by the board. Eventually the minutes were approved following a motion by Gregg with a second by Alec.
Treasurer Report – Gary Nelson.
The Treasurer’s Report has been previously published separately. Gary responded to a question from Alec saying that online banking has not as of yet been set up with Heritage Bank.
Dennis motioned the report be approved with a second from Dave, motion passed unanimously.
General Business:
Wildfire Preparedness Day.
Initial discussion centered around speakers. Ray confirmed Randy Collins and Bob Burbridge will be speaking. Alec reported our new DNR/NFPA liaison may want to speak. Time slots were assigned with speakers alternating with raffle drawings.
Raffle items were discussed with the suggestion we have 10 to 15 items, and a potential list of items was made. Ray motioned we limit the expenditure to $1,000, Gary seconded, and the motion passed.
Gary reported the site had been leveled and a materials list was almost complete. Dennis suggested the shed should have earthquake straps and it was decided they could perhaps be added later after construction was completed.
Alec made a motion for Gary to purchase the raffle items using the debit card. With a second from Ray the motion passed.
It was reported that the annual fee for the Firewise website was coming due. Although not present at the meeting, Dave Peterson has advised that the owner’s name and billing information needed to be updated.
A final planning meeting was set for Wildfire Preparedness Day was set for 10:00 on Wednesday, April 24th at the LCMC board room.
With a motion from Gary and a second from Gregg the meeting was adjourned.
Next regular meeting will May 8th at 10 am in LCMC boardroom.