Firewise Meeting December 11, 2024
LCMC Board Room
Zoom meeting was called to order at 10:05am by President Alec Pennington
Present were board members: Alec Pennington, Kathy Stafford, Gary Nelson, Dave Peterson, Gregg Dahman (by zoom) and Dennis Wicks, and guests Ray Menard and Vicki Knox, LCMC board member and District 1 (divisions 1, 2, 3, 4, 11, 13, 15, WS1-1, WS1-2, WS1-3, WS2-0 and WS3-0) Representative.
There were no community member attendees.
With a motion by Dave and a second from Gary, the minutes of the November 13th, 2024, meeting were approved. They had been amended and the official version is on the google Workspace.
Treasurer Report – Gary Nelson.
The Treasurer’s Report had been previously published separately.
With Kathy’s motion and Dave’s second the report was approved.
Address Markers
Our current inventory is down to 20 and Gary suggested getting 40 more. At a cost of $21.20 each (which includes the anchors attached) comes in at $848 and about $185 for shipping and $198 for tax. Gary does occasionally go to West Seattle and said he was willing to pick them up in Lynnwood, saving us the shipping. Gary estimates the tax for 40 markers – if picked up, will be $89.04.
Dennis questioned an individual marker’s cost and how it related to the donation fee we’re asking for; we break just about even making a buck or two. Dave motioned to approve the expenditure and after a second from Alec the motion was approved.
The sign-in spreadsheet was briefly discussed, and it was agreed to just let Gary come up with a suitable form.
Address markers for local businesses – Dennis reported he had discussed it with the grocery store in Hoodsport and it was not a decision a local store could make; they are part of a corporate structure, and the decision would have to come from them. Placing them at the entrance to other stores really defeats their purpose, they belong out in the road and as local stores etc. are so familiar to the fire department it was decided to drop this.
Thank You Notes
Dennis had sent the artwork to Vistaprint for a bid and as he hadn’t gone through and placed the order all, was deleted, Dennis will start over.
Realty Sign
Alec shared one of the clips for attaching the temporary banners and Dennis shared an email from Chief Sexton of the temporary banners he’d like to see.
Dave suggested we frame the metal sign first before attaching it to the actual sign; some pressure treated lumber may be required. The existing signposts need to be cemented into the ground (Dennis’ neighbor has a post hole digger). Gary will give Alec or Dave the group’s debit card when they decide to make a materials run.
Website Change-Over
Dave thought there had been progress made but then it seemed there hadn’t. This remains an ongoing task.
US Forest Service Wildfire Defense Grant
The 2025 grant application period has opened and both Firewise and the LCMC HOA may apply for a grant. Ray will check if the fire department may also apply.
Discussion centered on perhaps Firewise applying for two grants:
- One for the cleanup of the common greenbelts. This may be one LCMC might consider applying for. Historically cleaning out the greenbelts requires approval from LCC and TPU and this has been a roadblock.
- The second would be funds for the individual property owners to clean up and wildfire proof their properties. Perhaps Firewise could contract with one or two of the LCMC recommended contractors to perform the work. There’s obviously a lot to digest with this.
In any case, Firewise and LCMC will need to coordinate our individual efforts. Vicki Knox will advise her fellow board members of the grant opportunity and bring it up at a future board meeting.
Other potential grant proposals include Safe Zones.
Gary moved and Kathy seconded to update (who – Alec?) the current Community Wildfire protection Plan (CWPP) and work and work towards a plan to apply for one of the actions.
Wildfire Preparedness Day
Ray will check into using the play sand table for the event.
Upon Ray’s suggestion that we might get more participants moving the event to later in the month, May 17th was set for the 2025 event.
Speakers – Last year fire department speakers took over the presentation and were out of control. A speaker would introduce their boss who spoke and then introduced his boss who spoke, and it went all the way up the chain. Last year the Fire Dept people took over the process and totally ignored us and brought in speakers without consultation and other scheduled speakers got shoved out. Fire Dept speakers need to go through Firewise for an agreed topic and time limit and show a little respect. Gary suggested we have them rehearse.
Other potential speakers include:
- Bob Burbridge from the county’s DEM,
- It was suggested we have a women presenter; Alec has a possible candidate in mind,
- Jesse Duval (DNR) and our Jes Mathews from public works were suggested. What needs to be done and what are we doing to get it done as a possible subject.
Alec reported that with all the materials received from DNR he needed more storage tubs and not the kind intended to hold hanging file folders. Gary will make the order.
At 11:35 Dave motioned we adjourn, Gary seconded. All approved and that’s all folks.
Next regular meeting will be January 8th at 10am in the LCMC boardroom.
Line 47 – Obtaining Thank You cards.
Line 24 & 25 – Picking up new address markers.
Line 116 – Ordering storage bins
Line 86 – Updating the CWPP?
Line 92 – Ray will check into using the play sand table for the WFPD event
Giving Gary a pre-approved spending limit.
Working on next year’s Wildfire Preparedness Day.
Hosting a Wildfire Home Assessment training