Firewise Meeting January 10, 2024
LCMC Board Room
Alec Pennington – President, Gregg Dahmen – Vice President, Gary Nelson – Treasurer, Ray Menard – Lake Cushman Fire Depart Liaison, Dave Peterson – Historian, and Dennis Wicks – Secretary, Maggie Schmidt (the brains of the outfit) – excused absent.
Zoom meeting was called to order at 10:00am by President Alec Pennington
There were no zoom attendees.
Minutes of December 13, 2023 meeting were approved with a motion by Alec and a second by Dave.
Treasurer Report – Gary Nelson.
A very exciting report was presented with no activity having occurred in January except for earned interest of 14 cents.
Gary reported on a previous item, Umpqua bank does not provide any means to receive alerts of debit card activity on the debit cards.
Gregg suggested moving the savings account funds to a CD for a higher rate. Gary will research.[i]
Dennis motioned the report be approved with a second from Dave, motion passed unanimously.
General Business:
Discussion of Treasury or Securities Bond.
Following up on a previous item, Alec reported he did speak with Dawn, the LCMC GM, and she had no experience with this.
Gregg said he thought it would be a good idea and a discussion followed.
Alec said there are a number of different types of surety bonds from “positional” bonds that would cover just the treasurer (Dennis’ original suggestion) to all of Firewise. Again, Gary will investigate[ii].
Discussion turned to general insurance and Firewise as an organization has none. Ray stated we could break into a watermain installing our address markers; no bueno! Further research and discussion is warranted
Firewise Bylaws were voted on and approved (finally) with a motion by Gary and a second from Ray. Copy attached to minutes.
Firewise Articles Of Incorporation were also voted on and approved with a motion by Dennis and a second by Gary. Alec will file these with the state[iii]. Personally speaking, it is nice to finally be done with these. Many, many kudos to Alec for shepherding these through to completion. Copy attached to minutes.
Firewise Booth
Dave was kind enough to remind us all that our Wildfire Preparedness Day was just around the corner and fast approaching; thanks Dave.
Dave also reminded us that our plea to the public for volunteer “artists” to help redesigning our booth may have been too broad and we should republish it seeking the help of “graphic designers”. Ray immediately updated the Firewise Facebook page. Web page?
Dave also suggested that NOW might be a good time for an AAR on the last Wildfire Preparedness Day; what worked and what didn’t. Additionally, we should be lining up guest speakers.
Scribe’s Note: I listed Dave as our Historian. Seems to me he’s also pretty forward looking as well. Maybe he should be our Navigator?
Alec will send out a photo montage of what we have now and email to board members and will bring said materials to our next regular meeting for review and discussion.[iv]
We also need to start thinking what to add to the booth for our intended Emergency Preparedness Day in the fall. Gregg may have access to Red Cross material for this event.
We do not have an accurate list of where we have installed address markers. Alec suggested that we need to have a database as one central file of record instead of trying to keep track of everything on multiple spreadsheets. With Alec, Dave, Gary and Dennis we have the needed talent.
Firewise should have a regular blurb in the LCMC weekly Blast newsletter, Ray ? will follow up with Lisa Wiley[v] and get something solicitating volunteers.
Ray also added a volunteer recruitment to the Firewise Facebook page. Web page?
Gary suggested in our second meeting from now (March 13th) be dedicated to recruitment hoping to capitalize on the response from Rays postings.
We need to start better incorporating Lake Cushman Block Watch, Colony Surf, and Hoodsport in our Firewise and CERT committee and activities.
Ray reported Lake Cushman polled members who recently turned in their ballots for the HOA Assessment in person at the LCMC office if they were interested in doing volunteer work. Ray will follow up with LCMC to see if Firewise may access that list.[vi]
There’s a ‘Lake Cushman Firewise CERT’ Facebook page (group?) Who maintains this?
A discussion revolved around drumming up some participation in the upcoming March(?) CERT training, location to be announced. Prior to CERT training, completion of a lengthy FEMA online class is required; estimate was two to six hours.
Gary checked with then realtor and the sign is not his and he doesn’t think it’s on his property but rather in the right of way. He believed it belonged to the fire department.
Gary further checked with Mike Sexton who advised we “could do anything we wanted to do with it except use the fire department’s logo”.
As the plywood sign between the post is in disrepair, it needs to be redone; the posts seem to be fine, but a closer inspection is called for. Are they sunk in concrete? Are they rotting below ground?
Alec said we have a nice metal Firewise sign to include when we rebuild the sign.
Our Navigator Dave said that as the sign borders a state highway, we shouldn’t take it down without immediately replacing it. We need to ensure the highway
department sees it as a replacement and not something new. There he goes keeping us on the right course.
Gary suggested it would be a good Saturday work project for us.
Scribe’s Note: Gary, the keeper of the funds suggested a Saturday work party without mentioning pizza and beer; just saying…
There are two fire danger signs at the real estate office, is the other in good repair?
Gary Reported the aprons will have the same design and logo as our Lake Cushman Firewise Council green t-shirts. He will order 5 aprons.
Gary also spoke with Chief Sexton about placing a Firewise storage shed on the fire department’s property and received his approval.
Discussion then moved to looking at kits when Dave/Ray suggested we build it from scratch so that we could include a chimney and incorporate Firewise items we look for when doing assessments; 1/8th inch wire mesh on the soffits, etc.
Finally, after a very productive meeting, Gary moved to adjourn the meeting, Dave seconded and the vote was again unanimous.
Meeting was adjourned at ____
Next meeting will February 14th at 10 am in LCMC boardroom.
[i] Gary will research CD rates
[ii] Gary will investigate types and cost of surety boneds
[iii] Alec to file our Articles of Incorporation with the state
[iv] Alec will send out a photo montage
[v] Ray to follow up with Lisa about getting Firewise regularly mentioned in her weekly Blast newsletter
[vi] Ray to try to acquire the LCMC list of people interested in volunteering