Firewise meeting
May 1, 2023
LCMC Board Room
Attendees: Dave Peterson, Jenny Sinanan, Judy Rogers-LaVigne, George LaVigne, Kathy Stafford, Ray Menard, Nathan and Karla Toellner, Gregg Dahmen, Dennis Wicks, Alec Pennington, Maggie Schmidt, and Larry Hutchings. On line: Debbie Reamy, Tim Zoerhoff, and Tyler Betz. LCMC Support Staff Lisa Wiley.
Meeting was called to order by out-going President Dave Peterson at 10:00 AM.
Minutes of April 12, 2023 meeting were approved.
Treasurer Chuck Lucas was absent/excused. Discussed Fred Myers Rewards program for Non-Profits. Anyone can ask to join the Firewise Rewards program at Fred Myers.
New Business:
The four current Board Member/Officers (Dave Peterson President, Jenny Sinanan Vice President, Judy Rogers-LaVigne Secretary, and Chuck Lucas Treasurer) have resigned effective May 1, 2023. The new board of Directors approved April 12th are Ray Menard, Alec Pennington, Dennis Wicks, Gregg Dahmen, Maggie Schmidt and Gary Nelson. 4 new Officer positions were motioned/approved.
President- Alec Pennington (motion Maggie Schmidt, 2nd Dave Peterson. Motion passed)
Vice President- Gregg Dahmen (motion Dennis Wicks, 2nd Jenny Sinanan. Motion passed)
Secretary- Dennis Wicks (motion Judy Rogers-Lavigne, 2nd Jenny Sinanan. Motion passed)
Treasurer- Gary Nelson (absent, excused) (motion Alec Pennington, 2nd Jenny Sinanan. Motion passed)
Firehouse Liaison- Ray Menard and Agent for the Board- Maggie Schmidt
At 10:20 am the new President Alec Pennington took the lead in the meeting.
New Officers will need to go to Umpqua Bank 2307 N Olympic Hwy N to sign Signature cards.
The website is no longer being worked on by Shyloh. Dave Peterson has committed to finishing the website to a workable version. Dave will get a quote on the cost of maintaining the website. The estimate is $300 per year. Dave will train Ray Menard and Dennis Wicks in maintaining the website. Once Dave has passed ownership to Ray and Dennis, he will no longer be able to spend time on it. The website will host minutes, agendas, upcoming events, Firewise links, and forms to submit Firewise hours. We are unable to get the website up by the Wildfire Preparedness Day but will strive for it as soon as possible.
The Firewise By-laws need to be reviewed and updated. The 2010 changes were not approved. The Directors do not have a copy with page 4 attached. Discussed the difference between Member and Contributor. Ray Menard to look for By-laws for other Firewise Councils. Need to redefine the Firewise Mission Statement. Discussion to continue at May 24th meeting.
Firewise needs an internal document depository with access by multiple members. Alec Pennington will Investigate using Google Workspace because they offer a nonprofit discount. The document depository will make the succession of Directors/Officers easier by having all relevant information in one place.
Old Business
Wildfire Preparedness Day is Saturday May 6th at the Standstill Firehall from 1-3 pm. There are 4 speakers, film, Firewise Information table and raffle planned. More advertising of the event is needed. Lisa will post email and Facebook, flyers at divisions, post office, golf course etc.
Firewise will have a table at the Arts and Crafts Fair at the Golf Course on May 20th. We have volunteers to set up and staff the event. (Judy Roger-Lavigne, Dennis Wicks, Maggie Schmidt)
The Branch Ranch will be open on May 27th and 28th from 9-4 pm. Volunteers are needed. LCMC will provide staff as well The Committee will finalize plans at the May 24th meeting.
Meeting was adjourned at 11:30
Next meeting will be May 24th at 10:00 am at LCMC.